Available Steering Committee Positions
2 year commitments
Elections Held December 2023
Please attend the November Steering Committee meeting if you are interested. Steering Committee meetings are held in person at 6:00 PM the first Monday of each month.
Chair – recommended length of sobriety 1 year
- Attend and preside over all steering committee and group conscience meetings
- using Roberts Rules of Order Modified of AA business meetings as a guideline for format and procedures.
- Collect agenda items from steering committee and Hope Group members and condense into an agenda for business meetings.
- Coordinate activities with other group officers – and with those members who assume the responsibilities for other vital functions.
Treasurer – Suggested length of sobriety 2 years. * Suggested to have familiarity with the twelve traditions and familiar with the principles and practices of the group itself.
- Attend all steering committee and group conscience meetings and provide treasurer’s report in verbal and written form. Report to be emailed to steering committee members.
- Manages monthly accounts payables/receivables, produces reports, pays bills, makes deposits, maintains bank account, and collects and counts 7th tradition monies with literature rep/asst treasurer.
- Signature on bank account
- Responsible for drafting and proposing monthly operating budget for approval by steering committee and group conscience.
- Responsible for filing and maintaining tax records and correspondence regarding taxes. May hire professional tax preparers to ensure timely filing of taxes.
- Authorized to pay all expenses within the monthly operating budget or identified in the guidelines without steering committee approval. All expenditure should be supported by an invoice or receipt. Any expenses not yet identified in the guidelines requiring withdrawal from prudent reserve must have the approval of the steering committee or group conscience, as appropriate.
- Keeps one of two keys required to be used simultaneously to open the safe.
- Responsible for distributing monthly to the aa entities any funds left over after paying operating expenses and retaining prudent reserve.
General Service Representative (GSR) – Suggested sobriety 2 years.
What is a GSR? GSRs work via the district and area committees. The GSR is the group’s link with the general service conference through which US and Canadian groups share their experience and voice AA’s collective conscience. Sometimes called “the guardians of the traditions” GSRs become familiar with AA’s third legacy – our spiritual responsibilities to give service freely.
- Attend all steering committee and group conscience meetings and provide GSR report in verbal form.
- Attend all District 22 meeting, representing the Hope Group, and report back to Steering committee and group conscience meetings.
- Attend all SWTA68 Area Assemblies and workshops, representing the Hope Group, and report back to steering committee and group conscience meetings.
- In the event that they cannot represent the Hope Group at the district and area level, they are responsible for ensuring the Hope Group is represented, working first with the Alternate GSR.
- Keep group members informed about general service activities.
- Serve as the group contact and receive and share with their groups all mail from District area and the general service office, including newsletters.
- GSRs may also assist their groups in solving a variety of problems, especially those related to the traditions.
- They should posses the character qualities that mark a good, trusted servant of any sort: patience, understanding, and a firm determination “to place principles before personalities.”
- GSR should hold no other offices in any group at any level.
Alternate GSR – suggested sobriety 2 years
- Encouraged to share all the responsibilities of the GSR at the group, district, and area levels.
- Attend all steering committee and group conscience meetings and provide GSR report in verbal form.
- Attend District/Area meetings if the GSR is unable to attend.
- Serve as Vice-chairman at Steering committee and group conscience meetings in chair’s absence.
Correctional Facilities/Treatment Representative – suggested sobriety 1 year.
- Attend all steering committee and group conscience meetings and provide report in verbal form.
- Arranges members to serve at treatment centers and correctional facility meetings.
- Arranges new members to receive appropriate training if required by institutions.
PI-CPC (Public Information – Cooperation with Professional Communities) - suggested sobriety 6 months.
- Attend all steering committee and group conscience meetings and provide report in verbal form.
- Work with district and area PI/CPC Representatives regarding public information and coordinating with the professional community.
Intergroup Representative – suggested sobriety 6 months
- Attend all steering committee and group conscience meetings and provide Intergroup report in verbal form.
- Provide Intergroup with any updates to the meeting schedule for Hope Group.
- Notify Intergroup of any events at Hope Group.
Grapevine Representative – suggested sobriety 6 months
- Attend all steering committee and group conscience meetings and provide report in verbal form.
- Familiarize members with the AA Grapevine and Spanish-language magazine La Vina.
- Participate in Area/District Grapevine committee, announce new magazines each month, encourage members to submit articles, help with subscriptions.